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Subject: To Herald Tribune Forum Spies

The Real Eleanor Panitz
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Date Posted: 09:50:12 07/19/02 Fri

I don't understand how you at the Herald can claim to quote me when those postings here are not from me. There is no proof that any of the quotes you used are really from me. They MAY be from a friend who has heard me say some of those things. As usual you people can not print news without scrounging around where ever you see fit for news to fill your paper. How would you feel about a lawsuit against your paper for reporting quotes that are not from the source you say it was? I can not believe you took a chance and went to a Web site, saw some postings allegedly made by me, and used them as real quotes from me. What are you going to do next find a receipt in the trash somewhere with the name Eleanor on it and claim that it was mine? You people ought to be ashamed at yourselves, not to mention you should be scared of a lawsuit for quoting someone when you haven't heard it first hand yourselves. But then again you do have a history of doing 'eavesdrop' reporting.

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Re: To Herald Tribune Forum SpiesCindy09:59:46 07/19/02 Fri

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