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Subject: Re: Panitz judge won't do Springer trial

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Date Posted: 00:46:45 07/29/02 Mon
In reply to: Elli 's message, "Re: Panitz judge won't do Springer trial" on 14:17:27 07/28/02 Sun

Good God Elli, you obviously hadn't been through enough hell yet, to have gone on the Springer Show to try to resolve your differences. Didn't you add personal embarassment to yourself by going on? I don't think you and Ralf embarassed Nancy nearly as much as you did yourselves. But I agree the show isn't responsible. I'm sorry Elli, I can't hold out one iota of sympathy for you. You tell us your educated and smart, why in the world didn't you cut and run the minute you found yourself in the middle of such a dysfunctional situation?

"I do not feel any guilt over any embaressment that woman may have suffered on the show. She had already put me through hell, and personal embarassment. As far as I'm concerned she got what she deserved on that show. The show has nothing to do with what happened to her later."

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Subject Author Date
Re: Panitz judge won't do Springer trialCindy07:36:06 07/29/02 Mon
    Re: Panitz judge won't do Springer trialBob07:50:18 07/29/02 Mon

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