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Subject: Re: I agree counseling is essential for Elli

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Date Posted: 20:40:38 08/08/02 Thu
In reply to: Healthy Relationships 's message, "I agree counseling is essential for Elli" on 09:54:35 08/08/02 Thu

A few of the things you posted were news to me; first that she is a Wican, never knew that. Second, the bi-sexual relationships, news to me; third, that there is even a remote chance that Ralf will go back to Germany. My impression was that the German Consulate didn't want him back and in fact had refused him extradition. That said, yes, Elli needs therapy. Will she? Probably not. IMHO will she stay with Ralf for the rest of his life and hers. Don't make me laugh. She will fade into obscurity, unless you count the future small notice on page 6 of the Bradenton Herald that she has sought a divorce. BTW, I predict the children of Nancy Campbell will settle out of court for a large sum of money from the Springer show and the Fieger lawsuit will be dropped, as will his suit against the judge who blasted him in the paper.

End of saga.

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Subject Author Date
Re: I agree counseling is essential for ElliBob07:54:20 08/09/02 Fri
Re: I agree counseling is essential for ElliElli12:38:58 08/09/02 Fri

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