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Subject: Re: Family Drops Lawsuit Against 'Springer'

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Date Posted: 21:25:10 11/08/03 Sat
In reply to: Diane 's message, "Re: Family Drops Lawsuit Against 'Springer'" on 16:38:20 11/08/03 Sat

This person has dyslexia - he/she meant to say 'DOG'....Yeah, I'd be scared of that too, Diane and I have to tell you I'd be leery of anyone who posts such trash - it's been a while and Elli handles it well - better than I would.

Again, I say it's not for me to judge Ralf; and that jury was rigged IMO and I'm not usually paranoid.

That's a problem I would think when a lawyer from another state (with a reputation for winning) goes to a place where the "good old boys" hang out. Geoff can ask questions till hell freezes over and have his good friend and jury consultant Steve Hnat ask the ones he forgets to, but if you don't know the people and their mindset and their ways, you might as well phone it in because they are not going to give you "Jack".

Geoff's defense was, well....loose. Well intended, but loose. He is IMO really better than that. I think he relied on his experts (forensics, etc.) to tell him would might have happened - nothing wrong with that but it was too easy for the jury to scoff and disregard it.

All the sidebars didn't help either - the trial was tedious and tiring. I believe that the prosecutor wanted it that way and made it look like Geoff was the culprit.

So in the end everybody's tired and pissed at Fieger - that's not a verdict - that's a bunch of jerks who knew when they went in the courtroom what their job was.

I could go on and on, but I will stop by saying it was NOT a fair trial IMO.

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Re: Family Drops Lawsuit Against 'Springer'Elli16:11:57 11/09/03 Sun

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