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Date Posted: 01:28:24 09/17/02 Tue
Author: Allan Amaru Shakur
In reply to: majda mujkanovic 's message, "Re: DO YOU THINK TUPAC DEAD OR ALIVE?" on 10:48:19 03/01/02 Fri

Hey! Here is some reasons why I belive Tupac Shakur is not dead. You must remember that these are just my reasons, please only belive what you would like to! I'm not posting this to change minds, but just to make you think. If you have a reasons or rumor that you have heard, please mail it to me. Thanks!
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1. Tupac Shakur died on Friday 13th. Not really a "reason" why he isn't dead, but think about it. 2. Las Vegas is a payoff city, meaning all sorts of folks have been known to be on the take, that means doctors, press, laywers, etc.
3. The white cadillac containing the assialants was never found. How could this be when Las Vegas is in the middle of a desert.
4. There's a small black community on the North side of town. This strip is only about 8 blocks long. The attackers were black. Where did they go? Where did they hide?
5. The white cadillac containing the gunmen passed a entourage of 2pac's boys. Many of them body gaurds. No one gives a chase, and there are no witnesses. There were no witnesses on the street. How come? Why not?
6. The name of 2pac's next album was Makaveli. Makaveli was an Italian war strategist who faked his death to fool his enemies. Maybe 2pac is doing the same thing?
7. The cover of his next album has 2pac looking like Jesus Christ. Could he be planning a resurrection?
8. Las Vegas is in the middle of the desert. How come there was know helicopter chase? If someone was to rob a casino, the LVPD would've chased you down with some helicopters. How come this didn't happen with the 2pac shooting incident?
9. 2pac was creamated the day after he died. Since when does someone get creamated the day after a murder?
10. There were no ballistic tests, or else we just never had the chance to hear about them.
11. Las Vegas is still a very much a mob town. No one gets killed on the strip. You have to pretty much get permission in order for something like this to happen. Who was calling the shots that night?
12. 2pac's car got shot 12 times and Suge, who was the driver, didn't get shot once? He was 'grazed' by a bullet. Why did only 2pac get shot all those times and Suge not get hit once?
13. Suge said he drove 2pac to the hospital and they had a "coherant" conversation. How bad was 2pac hit? In addition to this all, there are conflicting stories claiming that Quincy Jone's daughter was in the back of the car and she wasn't shot either. What the deal with this?
14. 2pac has completed 2 movies and 3 lps that have yet to be released. With so many people upset about 2pac's "death" literly anything connected with him is bound to earn lots of money.
15. Tupac Shakur had said he had wanted to get out of gangs and rap for a while and raise his daughter to the press, maybe he did just that?
16. 2pac's video "I ain't Mad at Cha" foretold his death.
17. There was no autopsy. It is illegal to not have any autopsy when someone gets murdered.
18. In 2pac's song, "Changes", He is wearing the 1999 Jordan's! Those shoes were not available at the time of his death!
19. 2Pac withdrawled all of his money out of his bank account the day before he "died."
20. Tupac was in the muslim religion. It is against thier religion to be creameted.

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  • Re: DO YOU THINK TUPAC DEAD OR ALIVE? -- cant tell u guys, 15:58:00 11/18/02 Mon
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