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Subject: Re: Why Shar Will Not Give Up Speaker....

shar quan po
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Date Posted: 09:52:12 01/15/02 Tue
In reply to: Shar Qwan Po 's message, "Re: Why Shar Will Not Give Up Speaker...." on 09:31:41 01/15/02 Tue

speaker is the same thing as the monarch /a command that lets the monarch broadcast to the whole clan the monarch and speaker can only do so 3 times a day. a little histroy on how the clan was started will show you why this means alot to me.
Torlyn and tash gave this to me because the 3 of us built this clan together
with only what we had started out with in our packs. in doing so i forwent gaining vassels of my own, to equipt the whole clan for basicly everypiece of decent peice armor , weapon, shard, mote, quest item and cash outside what i needed for comps i got went to clan members that needed it free..that allowed torlyn and tash to recruit
and train other clan memebers as many of the oldest members can tell you. torlyn and tash and i spent alot of time doing
making sure alot of clan members were ready to face dereth.
Madison Razzier ,Kaat,Blachlouqe, Ra Amin Kah are our some of our oldest grand vassels and can tell you bout some of this as well. the only reason why shar is only 50 today and not in his 70's is cause of a personal problem that involed the account that old shar is on. my dedication has not changed to the clan nor will it. Thats a big part of why torlyn gave it to me and its a big part of why i will not give it up...

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Subject Author Date
Re: Why Shar Will Not Give Up Speaker....Evil's Light / Myrdhin Mithryll15:38:57 01/15/02 Tue
Re: Why Shar Will Not Give Up Speaker....Angel Razzier01:21:13 02/02/02 Sat

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