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Subject: Lets Talk

Torlyn Razzier
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Date Posted: 01:59:30 01/29/02 Tue

OK, I`m going to say a few things that I hope don`t offend anyone or hurt any feelings but this is what i see going on.

First I`ve been working a second shift job from 1pm-10pm. This is prime time for most people in the clan. This will be changing soon I am working on getting moved to 9am-6pm this will make it easier to communicate with others in the clan. I am hoping everyone isn`t gone before this happens.

Second, it`s been about a week since I`ve had a chance to check the boards. And to be honest I don`t see anyone else holding up there end of the deal. I may have missed something but the only quest I`ve seen posted is Shar`s focus stone quest. Where are the times and dates people I can`t post them on the Clan Message if I don`t have some details. It is true that i don`t check the boards every day but i do try to look at least once or twice a week, like I said my time is rather pressed at the moment and like the rest of you I want time to play too.

Third and this is probably the biggest problem. Although I realize that people don`t want to drop names and tell on others in the clan, How can I fix a problem if I`m not given details and names of the ones who are causing the problems. I know this is not what any of us want to do but I assure you. From this point on if someone is creating a problem they will be told about it and removed from the clan if they do not change there attitude and learn respect for others. If someone is stealing from you I would like there name and the name of there patron!!!! If someone is mistreating you ie...swearing, spamming, begging,etc... I want there name and the name of there patron. As much as none of us want to do this it is the only way I can fix it. And though I do have an idea who the people are, I can not outright accuse someone of something without first knowing who did what!!!

As for posting quests PLEASE start a new message. I don`t really want to spend an hour every night looking through each post and each reply to find mention of a quest that someone wants to do. Please feel free to schedule a quest at a time that works for you "Quest Leader". I will try to visit the board more often, please try to make it possible for me to do this and still have time to play.

As an overview of this post what I`m trying to say is that I don`t want to lose people but Clan Razzier was started for one reason!!!! So there would be someone there to help you when you need it.

Finally, I`m moving the Clan base we will not be in South Holt any longer!!!!!! I will not post this on the Clan message!!! This is the only place you will read it or hear of it. Those who don`t want to participate in keeping the clan together and look at these messages will not know where the clan has moved to.

I suggest Adventurers Haven. If you have another idea for a place to move please post it here and we will vote on it!!!


Friday February 1st at 4pm est at the Obsidian Enchantress in Holtburg (40.8n 32.6e). If you do not attend please post here and we will fill you in. I realize that we can not all be on at the same times but please do your best to attend.

This will not be a bitch session. Please bring your ideas with you, each will be heard and considered and we will vote on each idea. This is also not a time for tells do not attempt to speak to me in private chat i will be squelching all private chat during this time. This will be a time to work out as much as we can.

I ask for help from all of you on this matter!!!!!!!!

Thane Torlyn Razzier

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Re: Lets TalkTorlyn Razzier02:25:01 01/29/02 Tue

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