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Subject: the probs in the clan !!!!!!

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Date Posted: 17:17:35 01/31/02 Thu

Ok guys , first i want to say ..sorry about my bad english. i hope u all will understand what i want to say.

the last 4 days spend a lot of time here on message board with reading the post, and i think a lot of clan members are very angry.

what can i say .i startet to play schatten for 6 or 7 month. came to the game over blachlouqe, because he and i we work together, and then they are someother friends hows playing ac. cymric and shmendrik. with these 3 chars i spend a lot of time in game . they are help me to level up and i get a lot of free stuff. so i never look at tower for other players and now i see that was a mistake, because cymric leave the game ( play s now doac ) and shmendrik plays when he has time or want to have fun. then blach started to play aina and now we hun together if we have the time for this.

now the problem ithink. HOW many clan members did u now . did u now all about their chars , witch level they in the moment, were they a hunting .

i think the clan needs a CLANMEMBER DAY. a day were every char came to the same place ( a new tower ??? ) to the same hour. for example THURSDAY or FRIDAY between 16.00-17.00 and 21.00- 22.00 pm ( MET )( for the european members ) and for the americans ( i think ) is 15.00- 16.00 ( EST ) so we can look whos online . we can speak togehter and talk about what we will do.
startet a quest at weekend , witch quest ???
make fellow ship hunting with a group of 4-5 chars ??? talking about where????
who needs stuff ??
who is looking for a vassal , etc etc .....

we have to talk in a privat chat about that we will do, not over a message board. not every clan member use it i think.
and only the same people need it i saw.

ok not every one can hunt together. i tink i cant hunt with ra , or ragnar and strobe...they are to highlevel...but i hope i find some new friends ( one i find "algernon " a vassal from ra ) i put him in my friends list and we hes going on i talk to him if we want to make a fellow hunting ..only for fun and xp ( not every time i do that ) but i hate to hunt alone in the OHN. icant go 2-3 floor s down stairs alone, but in a group of 4-5 clan members we can do that .

ok i hope u understand what i want to say

last the quest i want to play next time or i have to play .

1.) virindi amulett
2.) focus stone
3.) a fun quest ..called "three towers"
4.) alot of PINCER's for the moment 500K and 100 K
5.) i think then is time for my second hilt

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Re: the probs in the clan !!!!!!Torlyn Razzier21:38:05 01/31/02 Thu

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