Subject: Re: Please Post your Level 70+ Only for coming up Queen Quest "Torlyn will be our Queen Slayer" |
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Date Posted: 22:06:05 02/02/02 Sat
In reply to:
Shar Quan Po
's message, "Re: Please Post your Level 70+ Only for coming up Queen Quest "Torlyn will be our Queen Slayer"" on 13:26:14 02/02/02 Sat
little edit from someone's been on the quest multiple times.. you don't need 12+ people, you can do it with a minimum of 5, having to go over 8 or 9 people is being unprepared for a quest (although mistakes happen, the queen has gotten lucky and gotten a few levels and taken on the entire thor azaroth chain high level group.)
high creature skill (280-300+ base), must be able to land the futility, self loathing and synaptic misfire
high life skill (260-280+ base): has to be able to land gossamer flesh, archer's gift, tusker's gift and decripitude's grasp
killer (if melee): must be only person attacking, wearing high base al with good base acid protections on _all_ pieces, the queen does hollow acid damage in melee range. when queen's life is at 40% mages, archers and melees begin attack.
killer (if mage): melee charges, needs good armor once again, will be taking 90% of damage. melee is there to distract queen (full speed attack) while mage pounds it with crushing shame, at 40% everyone attacks.
strategy: when you first get down into the queen lair an immediate rush of broods and queen guards charge, mages vuln and imperil all of them and then commence to attack while melee/archers fight. after first rush dies, begin building a wall, first layer, melee, second, mages/archers, third, healers for melee and mages who are vulning and debuffing queen. mages and archer will kill respawn as it occurs. the first queen does not move, vuln/debuff mages land on her and all mages kill, melee moves up when queen is at a sliver of life. new queen spawns, melee charges and begins attack, healer begins to chain heal (healer's heart is required) and occasionally cast revit, vuln/debuff mage(s) begin their job.
if melee is getting kill, only the melee getting it attacks with full strength, or, if mage/archer is getting kill, melee goes to full speed and keeps her attention. queen guards, brood nobles and eviscerators will respawn during this time, all non vital roles to fighting queen will kill respawn off and keep them off the healers. when queen is at 40% health vuln/debuff mage(s) redoes all spells (may have to redo during other fighting if it's a melee getting kill.) and when all spells land gives command to mages to kill, healers, don't forget your melee, they will die if you stop healing at this point (when i got kill i was brought to 5 health because they stopped healing, i ran and lucked out.) when queen dies everyone move towards the corpse while still killing, anyone can pick up the head, and it is give, so if killer dies it's okay. the random loot dropped by the queen is high level sing trove+ loot, worth grabbing if you're safe with the eviscerator respawn (approx 3-5 minutes on it.) carapace for everyone, olthoi eggs for whoever, and then recall out.
regroup at timaru, go through the fealty/leader/will buffs like normal and then the queen killer walk up to the leader and talk to him, wait till he returns to his knees and then give him the head (if next group starts handing in bells before you turn in the head you will not receive xp, try to hurry on this and make sure you know who is before and after your scheduled time.)
prequest preparation:
have more than 5 people prepared to hand in bells (req level 35+), accidents happen (as well as people turning in rubble), also be sure to have more than 5 bells (same reason as previous.) the queen killer _can_ turn in a bell, if you have kill when going to timaru they will allow you access (otherwise for those who turned in a bell, 3 week wait on going back to timaru, or killing queen.) before starting quest also be sure to be prepared for a 3 or 4 hour wait from first bell to queen's death and make sure the previous people doing the quest have turned in the head, otherwise they will be forced to wait for you to finish.
armor, melee needs to be wearing hollow armor with a good protection to acid, this means all pieces, including head. 5 level 7 protections/banes will be required inside the royal hive, impen/armor, bludgeon, pierce, blade and acid, every piece of armor and every person should be done up in this fashion. vuln/debuff mage(s) may require a focus stone brilliance (or some of the new minor/major cantrips) to land the initial futility. melee should be wearing baron's, or elysia's favor, and any endurance cantrips they can get their hands on (you'd be surprised what a difference 15-20 health can make.)
i probably missed a few things inside of this guide, but this is a fairly good idea of what goes on during this.
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