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Date Posted:14:52:52 02/07/02 Thu In reply to:
Torlyn Razzier
's message, "Re: IMPORTANT PLEASE READ" on 10:04:48 02/04/02 Mon
hmmmmmmm.....i only have 2 mules....and i have a house. why i have a house when i cant make save muling in there, because my mules at a other place. and i dont want to lose a lot of time with ls recall-subway-zaikhal-mule place.
to see each other or some other clanmembers i think we have create the "clan member meeting day" each friday. i know not every one have time to use it . but if only 15- 20 members are there we can speak about a lot of thinks. and if some body visit the new "home" more then one times a week, we have more contact
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