Subject: Re: UA Template |
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Date Posted: 20:43:36 02/09/02 Sat
In reply to:
Brent Ua
's message, "Re: UA Template" on 11:51:26 02/09/02 Sat
actually, you know what's funny? knowing math kinda helps in a game that's based off of it, and guess what? if you calculated this all out you'd know what i'm talking about, you'd know that it doesn't matter later on if you started 90 points less in melee attack because guess what? melee defense skill checks SUCK, the way they set up all mathematic checks allows a huge probability of someone hitting you. when you say ua and dagger are big differences, no they are not, i know melee, melee is the same, the difference is your damage is based off of strength and skill, skill is meaningless because it gets high no matter what you start at with weapons and will always be enough to kill another character with melee d. and ask yourself, how many pks will i meet have melee d? how many are grief templates with spec'd magic d? how many of these grief templates are taking a hit by not true specialisation of magic d?
1) not that many really have melee d, unless they're just fooling around with pk, or they're a post 70, 80, 90, 100+ character.
2) a lot, a huge, huge amount. the ones that aren't are OGs, BMs, Opals, and the occasional old school war spec only. because of xp chains, macros, and every other xp whoring outlet many people roll up grief characters and get them to high levels in a hurry, all of which start extreme templates for high power at later levels.
3) very very few, why would someone waste 12 points for specialisation when it won't do much good later on? the bonus of 100/100 start points is that your magic gets a boost too, landing wrath of adja, hieromancer and harlune, self loathing and synaptic misfire can screw up that grief template from landing on you and killing you in a shot or two from disinegration (one of the few level 7 war spells/vulns that has a great economy on it still).
have you ever noticed there's all these decal plugins to record combat records? guess what? some people use these to figure out what does what, how high of a difficulty it is to cast on such and such or smack whatever with your damn fist and how low you can be before it works. when you say your ua skill will simply suck because you took 30 points off of it's start is utter crap, learn to research before you jump to a conclusion.
magic defense spec'd should _always_, and i repeat, _always_ start with a 100 100 focus/self, otherwise you're wasting points. go ahead and query smirking revenge/lews-therin on this matter, his experience will give you a bit of insight on the whole melee angle at pk. the template you're designing at this point is geared towards PvM, and it won't be extremely effective to that point either because the spec magic d without true specialisation is wasting points better spent elsewhere.
if you'd like to get into an argument over what i know and what i don't then i'll backup all my statements with actual proof. talk with smirking, he's said many of these things before and he'd advocate them better than i can since he's done it, or are you trying to say that my proof is wrong because i'm still just a dagger? experience with a weapon means _nothing_, experience with template design and the basics of addition and subtraction can show your template simply isn't built to be good at pk.
i'm leaving this thread, and if you'd like to listen to the truth contact smirking and beg him for information on this subject, or go search the vnboards for his past posts, i'm sure you'll find more than enough information there.
next time you post a template specifically ask that no one comments, otherwise prepare to open your ears and listen to what others have to say.
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