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Subject: BRN declares WAR on TLS! (Darktide)

Brent Ua
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Date Posted: 13:42:12 02/19/02 Tue

About 15 minutes ago, Black Rose Noble, Monarch of the Black Rose Monarchy, announced his Monarchy's intention to go to war with Khao's Monarchy, TLS.

Black Rose Noble's words follow...

We have been supportive of TLS since day one, about 6 months ago. We've been patient. Respect for NWA guys like Nim, Yassif, Valiance, the ex-GEN leaders, had made us decide to give them a chance. They tried, and I do believe they meant well, but you can't polish a turd. You also can't base a guild on whore experience with a Blood hook to keep the antis dumb, and still manage to have the dedication from your members to pull through. A mercenary will do the minimum needed to get paid. There's a lot of good people in TLS, but they are a small minority. They are being wasted and their efforts watered down by the preponderance of whores and Blood wannabe's. These are the people that held us back all this time, and we have nothing personal against them.

If you want reasons, here's a few:

1. In any problems with TLS we always got the runaround being bounced from one leader to another if we could even get a hold of them. Don't call us, we'll call you; seems to be the standard practice in dealing with them. Whenever we had a problem, we'd be lucky to get acknowledged. Whenever they did, or something was of interest to them, suddenly I was in a room with 6 of their leaders. Bad cop - good cop, the runaround, and one leader overruling the other as needed made it impossible to sort anything out in game.

2. Whenever we would manage to come to a fair and mutual agreement about anything, trying to keep tensions low, nothing was ever enforced on their end. Anything discussed was apparently just enough to shut us up for a few days, nothing actually changed, except for the worse. In the end, it all boiled down to "what are you going to do about it?"

3. TLS was formed to fight Blood. They chose to do this by becoming like Blood. Since then Blood has grown more powerful than ever, TLS has become huge, and everyone else has been kept down. Outmacroing, out-questing, and out-leveling. Till when? This pissing contest is being waged at the expense of every other guild on DT.

4. The usual excuse of "You'll only help Blood by warring us" doesn't hold water anymore. That's blackmail. We'll fight Blood, and we'll fight you too. Say it like it is: "Let us push you around, keep you down, close you out." Enough with this Blood crap. You've had 6 months. Blood is fighting you and everyone else at the same time and getting more powerful as we speak. The only way you're hurting them is by giving the whores an alternative. Blood is growing and TLS is growing. It's more of a silent partnership.

5. TLS has been a revolving door from and towards Blood. Get kicked out of Blood, try TLS and vice-versa. Pepsi and Coke for the whores. A battle for the highest bidder. Nobody is interested in fighting anymore. Everyone is non-stop leveling, questing, macroing and comparing numbers.

6 Attitude. You probably know what I'm talking about. TLS members remind me of guys during a steroid regiment going from wimps to gimps. Their version of being friendly is looking for an excuse to kick the !@#$%^&* out of you, and if they can't they got a lot of buddies in the gym just like them looking for an easy fight. Unstable.

7. TLS seems to be competing in other areas with Blood as well, besides just levels, quests, and numbers. The dividing lines between them are getting hard to see anymore.

8. They are out of control. The masses barely listen to the leadership because that's not what they're in TLS for. The level-headed guys are being outvoted and ignored.

9. It's a game. Sometimes you just have to say "what the !@#$%^&*"

I can go on and on. A few of you might think this is about a dungeon. It's not. We were offered the dungeon in question when word of this leaked out.

We might get bitchslapped, but at least we won't have to put up with it anymore. As strategic decisions go, this is probably a poor one. We'll be fighting 18k-ish people, 90%+ of the red dots on DT will be threats, and lame tactics will be used against us. So what...not like we get our sense of accomplishment from a game. We're here to have fun, and it's not fun being dictated to, or having to ask for permission from a group of people that just don't respect you.

See you on the field I guess.

Oh, this is Darktide News btw...we try and make an actual news post at least once a month :)

Post by Azile on 2002-02-19 12:18:43


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Re: BRN declares WAR on TLS! (Darktide)Angel Razzier19:18:18 02/19/02 Tue

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