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Subject: Invitation

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Date Posted: 10:18:22 03/27/02 Wed

First, hello to everyone, hope you are all in good health and still enjoying the world of AC. Some of you might remember me from the time I was in Razzier, but quit last summer, well I came back to AC after three months or so, and I'm even enjoying it more than ever in the little time I have to play.
The reason I am posting here is that a while ago, can't remember if it was Rein or me, doesn't really matter actually, the idea came up of a PK tourney/event. I know you guys had one, and as far as I know it was a succes. Well we (Knights of the Red Light : http://www.geocities.com/redlight_knights/home.html) had our own little tourney and it was FUN. We decided that once we got our hands on a mansion, we should "challenge" Clan Razzier for a fight. Well we got our mansion, so a safe place from looters and stuff is guaranteed.
If you guys think it's a fun/good/nice idea (I know Angel, Brent and the Ironclasts like PKing) we could set up the event (rules, type of fights, date, stuff like that).

Hope to see some replies soon!

Antifates (clanspeaker of KotRL)

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Subject Author Date
Re: InvitationBrent Ua12:45:14 03/27/02 Wed
Re: InvitationCivilian (BRENT Ua)20:41:44 04/05/02 Fri

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