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Subject: *)Shadows Play(*

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Date Posted: 15:11:49 07/05/04 Mon

*)Immortal Shadows(*

*)A pewter form landed 'pon the powdery snow. A feline posture was assumed as she glanced around for her family. Most would not assume her part of the group that she traveled with, considering they were all of ebon hue. Lithe whip drew a name in the snow, then wiped it clean in fear of someone reading it. Her mind drifted to the name bearer as she waited. Though she had once played with the draclings here and was only a few months older, she looked like that of an adult now. A cursing and a blessing, you could suppose. Her family had been sent a note via Dyre Chance to come and meet a new member of their large kindred clan.(*

*(The Quicksilver Temptress)*

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~*From darkness I understand the night : dreams flow, a star shines*~DSS and SS19:11:01 07/07/04 Wed

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