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Subject: ...intricate flickering dance...

Shiva's Fire
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Date Posted: Saturday, July 12, 07:17:43pm

Tiny yearling filly canters in, her slender legs moving together in a lightly dancing rhythm, already long, silken mane whirling and flowing out behind her, short banner falggin in the Arabian fashion, her short satiny hide gleaming fiery scarlet. She stops, tiny nostrils flaring wide, her huge dark eyes searching. Even as a baby, her dished copper face has an impelling beauty. A snowy diamond is set between wide, exotic eyes, showing off the fiery bronze dished head. Delicately chiselled face, graceful crest, slim legs, and light body build mark her as a Shagya Arab. She prances, dancing on the ground like a flickering flame in an intricate, but effortless for her, riverdance pattern. She gives a high-pitched little whinny, her clear tones swept away in the wind.

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_\Beware of the Eye of the Storm/_StormSunday, July 13, 07:50:37pm

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