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Subject: ...water droplets rage, rain like stinging arrows...

Raging River
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Date Posted: Thursday, July 17, 05:03:23pm
In reply to: riverline 's message, "cry of the swift river" on Thursday, July 17, 11:05:32am

Rich chocolate hide with the vanilla shapes gleams arrogantly like mahogany and crystal as the proud Indian princess, after seeing the other's reaction to her demeanor, looks off into the distance, berating herself silently. Her pride was not that of an arrogant brave, but that of a princess of a tribe, a pride in her people. But as usual, it had come off as though she had thought herself above the other, which certainly was not the case. The wind swirled her long, shining dark locks on her proud crest consolingly, and her eagle companion swooped low comfortingly. She raised her haughtily beautiful, straightly tapering head higher, her midnight eyes like ebony diamonds. Perhaps there was yet time to correct a mistake-but she knew not how to do so. She said, putting a friendly effort into her bold, clear tones, ~Perhaps we will be friends, you and I.~

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cry of the swift riverriverlineFriday, July 18, 09:58:20am

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