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Subject: ((OOC: Libby, this wouldn't be you would it?))

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Date Posted: Tuesday, July 29, 01:42:30pm
In reply to: Ashen Twilight 's message, "...black as night..." on Tuesday, July 29, 11:28:50am

>Sooty Tail flying,a velvet banner upon the clearest
>blue sky. Puffy clouds float by, embarking on an
>endless journey following eachother on an unknown
>path. Her unblemished figure stads out, but also goes
>along with the beauty of the terrain. Apearing from
>everywhere across the lucious grass are horses of all
>colors and breeds. SilverStar is amoung them. Her wild
>heart is happy to see her, a dear friend amoung the
>strangers. Flaring her nostrils and bringing in all of
>the scents of the land. Blowing in the wind. Her grace
>and agility, but also her wild spirit show in her
>every move. Throwing her head high a meledy of
>precious tingling notes flew out sounding like a
>waterfall of the purest water, each drop a little
>instrument drumming upon rock. " I am Ashen Twilight,
>I am pleased to find such fine steeds in their
>beautiful home. I hope that i may stay in this
>wonderful place with you"

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swear to God, Sarai, it's not...SilverStar's playerTuesday, July 29, 03:27:31pm

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