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Subject: as the seasons change-remember how i used to be

Seasonal Glory
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Date Posted: Sunday, August 03, 01:34:44pm
In reply to: Resaelis 's message, "^upon silent wings^" on Sunday, August 03, 12:18:44pm

Fiery beauty looked over from her vantage near her daughter over at the ebon’ mascue whose life had been ripped apart in mere moments. Her soft azure pools filed with tears that she blinked back before they ever had a chance to leave the safety of her lids. A pain lurked there, an aching, a burden of sadness that was now too heavy for her to bear alone. She ached to comfort him, to wash away all of his pain, but she had been the cause of it, and felt she now must leave in order for him to be whole again. Nudging her young one softly, she looked back at the bony fatale whose return had thrown her entire world upside down. A feeling of emptiness ate at her from the inside, threatening to swallow her whole. She turned away, her delicate tiara lowered in remorse. The once proud stance held by this matriarch was now turned to that of a beaten puppy. A sudden thought crossed her heavy heart. Her crania snapped up, her tresses whipping about in the breeze. If she had to die, and die she would before giving up all she had worked so hard for, she would die with honor.

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^upon silent wings^ResaelisSunday, August 03, 02:46:11pm

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