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Date Posted: 14:47:23 12/01/02 Sun
Author: Raven
Subject: {Adjust}
In reply to: Fyre 's message, "~shrug~" on 19:20:39 11/30/02 Sat

Quiet features remain impassive with the news...or rather lack of it.. concerning the prisoner, readjusting the holster at her side as it digs into her leg.The news of the daredevil recruit, however, was slightly more intriguing, green rimmed gaze shifting briefly to the office door. Quite an interesting character from the sound of it.
She returns her sight to Fyre, dismissing the Venhydran attack with a slight shrug of her shoulders.
"A backlash is possible.. but we can't do much to avoid one, except keep an eye on our radar, and defense at standby. But I would worry about the pilot himself. If they catch him.. it is possible we will have a rather unpredictable opponent on our hands. His training could be very different, and very non Venhydran... if we keep an eye on his movements, we may have an advantage of analyzing and forming counter moves should they adopt any of his styles or turn him against us. Or better yet.. adopt strategies that work for this guy."
She shrugs again, a smile hovering slightly on her face.
"Then again, that's assuming he's taken prisoner and not killed...and a hundred other variables. However... with my experience from a pilot's standpoint.. the more strategies you know.. the better your advantage..."
Her voice fades into a brief silence, focus shifting onto the topic of recruits.
"If you will be talking to this new man, you might want to take the opportunity to call a general breifing. These guys need something to keep them busy..."

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