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Date Posted: 13:21:41 06/07/03 Sat
Author: Niamh
Subject: patience
In reply to: Fyre 's message, "~nods~" on 17:50:49 06/05/03 Thu

She shrugs again; maneuvering a bug like this was more time-consuming than dangerous, its small size making it more than highly unlikely that it would be spotted. "The president and who I think is their second-in-command seem like they're interrogating or interviewing someone. I would suspect that after this one or both of them would go to a secure communications room."

The bug scuttles forward, pausing in the shadows underneath the reception desk next to the trio. Eyeing the bug's statistics, she frowns in concentration, thinking over what Fyre and Raven had said.

"Private conversations would be good, but I don't know if it will have enough power to move around and transmit. Unless you want the President or number two to get bugged. Then it could just hitch a ride with them; effectively traveling around and transmitting. It wouldn't be any more dangerous than any other place."

Swiveling slightly to face the two of them, her eyebrows raise in question. The president seemed like the more likely person to put a bug on, but quite often the second-in-command took care of things the President wouldn't bother with.

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