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Date Posted: 17:00:04 07/15/03 Tue
Author: Fyre
Subject: ~growl~
In reply to: Mousey 's message, "| Ouch |" on 10:27:32 07/09/03 Wed

~she remained silent until little Mousey had left, and then she growled under her breath~
"Knew he would do something like that. Quite the fool. So our albino troublemaker has ventured off to Venhydra to go mess with some bounty hunter who he wants to settle a score with? He'll have to pay if he gets caught..."
~her fingers tapped on the table idly~
"Well. We were planning to send over a rescue party for those rogues messing with the Feds. Now we've got someone there that might or might not get himself killed for a foolish little dispute. There are three of us, not including this child or Kival, currently present."
~she looked to her comrades in turn, debating~
"I propose we go out and comb Tanari for any tresspassers, visitors, or hopeful Alliance warriors. During this time, we can also assess damage caused by the storm. This also includes finding Kival, and if Mousey is still about and wishes to talk, maybe we can see what other info she's willing to spill about Roue', including what sort of transportation he was using, and the like. Perhaps at this time we can find enough people for a suitable mission to Venhydra to fullfil this rescue mission concept. Does this sound reasonable to you two? Any other suggestions?"

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