Date Posted:22:13:20 01/29/02 Tue Author: Ferguson Subject: Resolve / An Old Wisdom In reply to:
's message, ">>>" on 21:50:13 01/29/02 Tue
"Shhh" he sounds as he firmly grips on her shoulder. His voice is soft, but direct as he says "Should'a, would'a, could'a. I know what yer doing to yerself, don't. You couldn't know what would happen, and besides... was there any real choice to be made at the time. Were ya offered one, did you know ya had one? I can't make it any easier to accept, but the past is gone and the future is something nobody can see... no matter how much they tell themselves either can be changed." As he says the words his resolve to finish what had begun between him and Daemon strengthens. It is as much a speech for himself as it is for her. They were not his words either, but the words uttered around the campfire every night on his homeworld... almost forgotten until now.