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The Danaan Rangers Message Board
Message Board

for The Danaan Rangers Guild.

Welcome to the Danaan Ranger's message board. Feel free to leave a message. There's only two things the Guild asks:
  • Please keep posts civil. Any inappropriate posts will be removed.
  • Please do not use the 'Alert' or 'Info' emoticon for general use - we are attempting to reserve this for use by leaders of the Way of the Bear, Stag, Wolf and Steward, or the Guildmaster and Avatar to communicate messages to the Ways or the entire Guild quickly with minimum fuss. Feel free to use the other emoticons as you see fit!
If you have any ideas or suggestions as to how you think we can improve thing on this message board, feel free to e-mail the Webmaster by clicking on the 'Contact Forum Admin' link at the bottom of the message board.

NOTE: If, after submitting a message, it seems that the message board did not record your message, please hit the refresh button to load the most recent version of the page. Sometimes it may take up to three refreshes to register your input.

— Edited by Moriath.

Archives: 12345678910 ]

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Thankyou for visiting TDR's message board.
Please use the message board wisely - any
posts deemed inappropriate will be removed
by the Webmaster.

This message board will periodicly be cleaned
out to display only two months worth of posts.
If you feel that we should display posts from
earlier than that, please contact the Webmaster.

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