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Date Posted: 02:12:05 09/20/02 Fri
Author: Muad'Dib
Subject: Great deal for all.........

Hail Rangers,
It has been a long time since most of you have heard from me, but I have an offer for my trusted friends at TDR. With the opening of a new U.S. shard I have chosen to return to my homeland and begin again, a new life. I have amassed a considerable amount of wealth in the fair land of Oceania, and would like to move as much of this wealth as I can to my new home. Of course cross shard trading is very risky, so I come to you, my trusted friends, with this offer. The new Lake Austin shard is currently open only to New Accounts, but at the end of 30 days this shard will open to everyone. If you were to create a character on this new shard, we could then trade items and gold that you get on there, for the items and gold I have on Oceania. I would be willing to make all trades very beneficial on the Oceania side. I am very interested in the Vet Reward trades. Examples of the kind of trades I am talking about are like, 100K gold on Lake Austin for 200K gold on Oceania, or an Etheral Mount on Lake Austin for an Etheral Mount and 350K on Oceania, I am also into tailoring BOD's. The following are a few of the items I have on Oceania, All vet tubs,
4 Etheral Mounts, 6-7 statues, appox. 300 tailoring BOD's, approx. 100 smith BOD's, Fire cloth, Ice White Cloth, I also have a roadside Villa north of Brit, and a Large Tower and Large Marble on the same screen north of Minoc.
For those newer members of TDR who don't know me, I once was a Knight of the Wolf within the Guild, and have always been completely trustworthy and honorable in all my dealings. I am certain Lance or Pugs or anyone that you ask would be willing to be a go between if anyone is not comfortable with trading.
I bid you all farewell, for now. Contact me at ICQ 6468145
May Dana Bless

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