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Date Posted: 04:58:03 07/12/01 Thu
Author: Peter Jordan.
Subject: 1964 a kids recall, sample only.

1964 I was nine years old & in a gang used to mind cars outside Ersom park during MFC home games for a threepennybit per car. Earned good pocket money, due to car owners thought we would scratch the cars if failed to pay. Penny for the guy. Help at allotments, sell your parents clothes to the rag & bone man, bit risky this one especially if caught. Cubscouts St James still have my Bukta brand cap as a sovenier. Train watching, played soccer. Smow sledding captain cooks monument bike riding, camping. A kid in Middlesborough did not know they was such a word as bored.1965 emigrated to OZ with my parents, maybe was sent as a convict.I could write a book on the ship vovage, nine years old and locked up by the ships captain? held the wheel & dinner with the captain later? Then OZ was and still is an adventure at my age.
Enough seeya Peter J.

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