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Date Posted: 15:12:45 01/04/00 Tue
Author: Speechy
Subject: Illuminati Rap

French revolution
they caused that
that's when they took over
to creat a one world government
new world order
now were in 2000
got Roswell on TV
Seti team
listening for signals
technology from outer space
president a disgrace
Jubilee 2000
with the pope who brought gas to the nazis
in his golf cart
Disney makes me sick
Monica sucked his dick and ate linda tripp
justice is dead
no one cares if a cop shoots your head
then we got fuckin Ghouliani
puttin homeless people in jail
makin city hall a bunker
head like a light bulb
speech impediment make him sound so stupid
and he just keep throwin out laws
he got to impress the Rockefellors
runnin for senate
against Hillary Clitin'
another fuckin light bulb head
that's what this world is
run by corporations Dupont, Disney and car companies
rich eaten the poor for breakfast
but the people gettin restless.
VC 12/31/99

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