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Date Posted: 08:28:37 02/11/00 Fri
Author: blizowinup
Subject: Re: milk and honey
In reply to: saint stephen 's message, "Re: milk and honey" on 18:53:30 02/10/00 Thu

> Well, the purpose we where focusing directely on
> something, not babbling shards of sense with
> meaningless rambeling to sound cool...my mentality is
> not like someone who is on allot of lsd or pot...I am
> sober most of the time...and you asked my opinion on
> the matter, what do you want me to lie to you? That
> would be one hell of a friend...and don't play it of,
> you really found that scathing in some derranged way
> of yours...just drop the lack of self confidence dude.
> -ss

I would rather you lie to me like everyone else does and talk behind my back... then tell me about how you have my Mom in your seabag...and how she is also on the stock market... then I want you to put a gun in my mouth, hold it while I pull the trigger and watch me fall back with a big hole in my head... dead to the world...

how is that for poetry.... *L* Ha ha ha.....

now stop taking everything I say so seriously... and chill out... why don't you come up to orlando some time in the near future, when you can, so we can hang out... Spring break is coming up soon.... but you probably want me to come down there... I can't... sorry man... I can't come down there, its your turn to come up here... even if its just for Roger Watters... you've got to come up to Orlando next... I'll come down to Stuart after the Roger Watters show... but not befor that.....

See how good I am at changing the subject when I don't like what you are saying to me... =) he he he.....

Johnny P

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