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Date Posted: 03:54:12 05/08/11 Sun
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: My Sony VAIO shuts down immediately ANSWER !!!
In reply to: Ruben 's message, "Re: My Sony VAIO shuts down immediately ANSWER !!!" on 22:29:40 03/12/03 Wed

My SONY VAIO PCG-Z1WA would not boot up even if one opts for safe mode , advanced mode, normal mode options. IT JUST SHUTS DOWN!
Pls help!
Donation no prob!
>>I now have the answer to your Sony Vaio shutdown
>>It is caused by a bad thermal sensor on the CPU which
>>gets progressively worse until the unit shuts down
>>during boot.
>>You can replace it with a donor CPU if you have a
>>parts machine or make this small Win98 modification
>>and BINGO!
>>I have spent countless nights figuring out a way to
>>solve this problem and alas, I have cured three
>>systems here and many more for outside support.
>>It has worked for PCG-F series 270, 340, and 350
>>I am confident it will work on ANY Win98 Sony Vaio
>>that shuts down shortly after boot(or in it's earlier
>>stages may take longer before it shuts down).
>>With this technique you can use it instantly with the
>>Win98 you already have installed(Sony Version), no
>>reformat necessary. That means all your programs and
>>files remain intact. The best part is that the unit
>>again becomes functional with no detrimental effects
>>so you can get back on the road.
>>Email me for detailed instructions and screenshots for
>>small donation(by now I deserve it!:
>>"Dear Mr. Roberts,
>>I'm really speechless. It worked like a charm. I
>>just wished I knew of this earlier =)."

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