Date Posted:21:08:38 01/01/01 Mon Author:jonathan kiner Author Host/IP: / Subject: Re: computer break down (error loading 64k_1024.drv) In reply to:
mike pagano
's message, "computer break down" on 19:05:37 09/08/99 Wed
>I have an IBM PS/1 MS/DOS computer. I don't know much
>about computers, I received it second hand. and I was
>trying to up the color, and the resolutions on the
>monitor.and caused an error. now when ever I turn on
>my computer all I see or get, is a black screen, and a
>message that reads "ERROR LOADING 64K_1024.DRV" and
>thetas it. the computer won't do any thing else no
>matter what I try reboot pull the plug etc. this
>message always shows. any suggestions would be greatly
>appericaited.on how to delete this I do get the c.\>-
>to try different codes but the all come up file not
>found etc.,, My phone# is (973) 761-1279
had a similar problem on a friends computer. from dos prompt, type: cd windows. ENTER
then type: setup. ENTER
in setup, change 64k_1024.drv to VGA by selection.
restart computer.
problem solved.
hope this helps. took me hours to figure it out for my friend. but it worked! just too happy.
if, after spending logical time attempting to do this, you still cant accomplish the fix, email me, and ill give you better directions.