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Date Posted: 08:43:53 05/23/03 Fri
Author: Tontine
Subject: Poor guys
In reply to: BP 's message, "I knew I hated the French. Maybe if their bitches shaved their pits, they wouldn't hate porn." on 14:45:03 10/11/02 Fri

You hate the French, but me, I hate the americains that are stupid and naive enough to follow GW Bush when :

- no WMD has been founded in Irak : all Bush rethorics used in order to justify the war were lies, but all americans swallowed what said the dominant media and waved their flags

- Bagdad has been looted. What did the US army ? Protect the oil minister and let all the looters rob the museums. All Bush rethorics about America's "grandeur", america's values : freedom, liberty, democraty ... were lies. What was just important for your was oil.

- you believe Bush when he says that he wants to bring democracy and destitute a terrible dictator. Let me laugh ... You, America, you have brought to power many dictators : the shah in Iran, Pinochet in Chilia, you have sold guns and weapons to the talibans ... You are so pure, so that you can give us lessons !!!!

- you defend values like the right against the evil, liberty, freedom ..... but you refuse to sign for the international penal court, you refuse that such an organization could have a look on the behavior of your soldiers. Sorry, your soldiers are so pures that they can only be above all this

- pollution, natural resources waste, global atmosphere warming are a real danger for the future of our planet , but Bush and the America refuse to sign the Kyoto protocol, America just refuse to restrain itself when it's the biggest polluter on the planet.

Have a look to yourselves, you americans.

You are all so fat,
You are the biggest polluters on the planet,
You are flowding us with your so-called culture, your hollywood films, your mcdonalds food, your genetically modified seeds, your wild deregulation.

have a look at you !

The country of so-called freedom, where nobody can disagree with the war in Irak (see the dixie chicks).

Stop thinking that you are better than us.

Look at yourselves !!!!
Maybe you'll not like what you'll see.

Me, I do not like what I see.
And I am not the only one on earth.

We were millions to demonstrate in Europe the 15th of February, againt your imperialism.
If you go on like this, all the planet will hate you.
Is it really what you want ?

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[> [> What a fucking freak. -- Roscoe, 16:06:23 05/24/03 Sat

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[> [> [> Well Howdy doo Roscoe! It sure is right as rain to here from you! Where in the wide, wide world of sports have you been. -- Xavier Xealot, 16:00:54 10/16/03 Thu

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