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Date Posted: 17:03:03 06/11/03 Wed
Author: Dragon Li
Subject: Re: Element Conflict
In reply to: Kathy 's message, "Element Conflict" on 02:11:10 05/29/03 Thu

I'm a Sagittarius, which is a fire sign, but my element is Water also. From my studies, I've seen that we have two elements at work within us. Sometimes it's a double shot of the same element (and THAT can be scary sometimes!) but mostly I find that it's a blend of the positive and negative aspects of two elements. For example, I'm both fire and water. As for the water part, I love rivers and creeks and you can't get me out of an ocean or pool. On the personality side, I tend to be gentle and compassionate, but I also react and overreact to things. On the Fire side, although actual flames scare me and I don't like summer all too much, nothing beats a hot bath or warm blanket. As for personality, I tend to joke around a lot and laugh at everything, but I also tend to get into a rage and beat on inanimate objects.

So anyway, your situation isn't unusual at all! And the funny thing is that many people whom I've met who claim a certain element as their because of zodiac sign often wind up having another significantly more prominent element (I know a woman who says she's all fire, but she has a heavy negative water within her. Opposing elements are a blast to have to deal with!)

>My Zodiac is Leo, which means my element is Fire.
>However, all my life I have felt safe and comfortable
>in Water. I love to swim, I love to drink it and bathe
>in it, it's the most beautiful thing in the world to
>me..........so why do I like Water instead of Fire?

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