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Re: TOB-2004 GTO -- anthony mansour, 18:41:08 05/07/03 Wed
dude, you may want to lay off the chics... you might find yourself having to look twice at the passanger side in one of these cars (kinda like greetings from australia sort of thing - the 04 is already road going) for what you essentially describe as imaginary and if unscathed (ie no incidents with the stoby pole), you may yet want to part with what otherwise could have been money for insurance premiums. it may come in rather handy if your shrink is not convinced when you confess of a the car that shot right past you at bazillion(?) miles an hour was pilotless. that though may be the easy part. the shrink may yet provide the best defense for being in the same area when said girls were laying down some fifty feet of rubber and a cop happened to be passing you by at that particular moment. but when cop asks you to testify against said girls you merely respond the whole incident was simply somthing that s/he was imaging.
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