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Date Posted: 09:05:42 05/30/04 Sun
Author: Ralph Johnson
Subject: Re: 2004 GTO
In reply to: Tom DiStasio 's message, "2004 GTO" on 13:26:08 08/20/02 Tue

I have now had my GTO for 3 weeks and am very pleased, with the exception of 2 items.

1. No trunk to speak of. When they moved the fuel tank above the diff to comply with rear-end collision safety, they lost most of the trunk space.

2. You cannot have the windows cracked if it is raining. Airflow causes water to come in to the back of the window.

Good points:
1. Faster than my other 2 goats in stock trim (a 67 and a 73)

2. I averaged 28 MPG on my last trip to ChiTown from Mpls. (at 73 MPH average)

3. Great throaty sound.

There are many other points that I could cover, but so far, I am pleased with the power and torque that it produces. It revs freely to 6000 rpm, and the gas mileage actually got better the faster I went on the highway (due to the tall gearing).

I can say, that it was well worth the wait!
With today's fuel prices, the mileage is a plus, while still having all the "play power" that I need.

I get pulled over by Johnny Law a lot! Not for violations, but they just want to check the car out.

Perfect car for a mid-life crisis (I'm 46).

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[> Re: 2004 GTO -- Lance, 10:13:35 09/30/04 Thu

Well as far as you are all certified experts on the subject of the goat... Please remember that the divisions of GM and their ability to bring a badge back, with new tech enhancments and balls to the wall power for under 30K, You have to feel proud behind the wheel of such a remarkable machine. I own a 2004 Yellow jacket. Plan on installing a eaton SC in a week or so. this car sticks to the road like the painted lines under it. Plenty of power through redline. and with minor tuning you can peel the rubber off your tires in the first 3 gears. The Ls1 has all the power you can ask for and is very easy to mod with the ample amuont of aftermarket parts. One on the nice issues everyone overlooks is this car is a sleeper. If the badges ae removed you would not even know what you were p against. A very nice corvette for half the prive. I gave 22K for mine NEW from the dealer. Shit you cannot even buy a hyundai for that anymoe. So all you old timers who are bitching about the goat restyling. go f- yourselves as you will be dead soon anyway. Maybe they will bury you with your old tech steel coffin. Long live the pontiac GTO.

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[> [> Re: 2004 GTO -- Tom, 16:09:53 10/18/04 Mon

Lance, Where did you find one for $22,000 ? I'm shopping and the best deal I've found in the chicago area is about 28500.00 plus taxes.

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