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Date Posted: 20:07:22 02/26/02 Tue
Author: +Grand Finale+ with son +Flash+
Subject: She enters with her 2 month old son Flash by her side.

Your Name: - Grand Finale
Your Nick Name: - Finale
Your Age: - 8
Your breed: - quarter horse x Shagya arabian x trakehner
Your Color: - bay, with black mane & tail, and black stockings
Your gender: - mare
Your Pic: -
Your personality: -
Your History: she had three mates; one light, one neutral, and one evil. She also had three foals. Flash, is her youngest son, and is of pure light heritage. She first was a neutral, she grew up in a herd called Redwood Forest, and became the mate of her best firend. They had a foal togteher, and were happy, until her sister, who was the dak princess, captured her in a attack raid on the neutrals. She wasn't happy, and her cousin soon choose a mate for her. She had a foal by him. Soon afterwards, another raid came. The lights succeeded over the darks, her dark mate was killed, her cousin captured. The Neutrals had long died out, and her family nowhere to be found. She soon set a new life for herself, found a new mate. With her enw mate, she had another foal. She occasionally heard from her other two children, and kept contact with them. This time, she stayed a light, not wnating to risk losing another life again.

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