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Subject: *Looking at the wolf as he approaches, seeing more than hearing.*

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Date Posted: 15:11:28 09/25/02 Wed
In reply to: Twinslay 's message, "The large male wolf approaches with silent, padded pawsteps, his gray eyes glinting coldly as he fixes them on the otter, "Pray, dear sir, do explain yourself in this matter. I might be willing, if I knew what it was you asked, that is...."" on 03:58:01 09/24/02 Tue

*Eyeing the wolf carefully before he speaks.*

"The job is fairly a simple, Ineed you to infaltrait Silar Darkmoon's army, gain his trust or the trust of one of his generals, gather information, and if the opportunity presents itself"*Pausing for a second to allow a smile to spread across his face*"kill Darkmoon himself. He is a wolf so you should know how his mind works and how to gain his trust if not acceptance into hi army."

*Letting the information be processed, before bringing up the issue of payment.*

"Now as for payment, you will be paid half up front and half upon completion and confirmation. The amount up front will be a bag of gold and two bags of silver. Well what do you think?"

*Hoping the wolf will accept the offer since the chances of another wolf coming forward are slim.*

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