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Subject: **stands full of valor**

Klik Redwolf
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Date Posted: 12:33:42 11/06/02 Wed
In reply to: Casey 's message, "**Crawls her way over**" on 05:57:36 11/06/02 Wed

**The large brooding wolf finally stands tall... strands of fur flow through the wind and over his eyes as piercing eyes gaze over their encampment. He looks over to Casey, Rio and Jask and steps towards them... placing a firm paw on Jask's back softly, consoling him to rest.**

"Rest comrade... I shall take this watch.", he mutters calmly and reassuringly.

**He steps forward from the fire... stepping towards the edge of a small cliff and overlooking the valley below. His eyes narrow as he searches the horrizon... hoping to find Kinnan or some others. He keeps his emotion to himself as his paw grips the hilt of his blade, the sharp tip of the blade dipping into the ground as he stands motionless and full of valor...... he finally opens his eyes wide and lets out a soft howl which shoots out forward and catches the wind... his comrades behind him do not hear but a whisper, for the winds have caught his bellowing call... hoping some of their comrades will hear it and find their way home.**

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*He looks over at Kilk.*Jask14:20:07 11/06/02 Wed

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