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Subject: Re: OOC:Sounds good to me... when I joined this place it was active and fun.. which is what draw me to it. Im up for anything. I meant enlisting in the military. Ive already spoken to a recruiter and have been going over my options for a few years now. Im not sure what exact job I would be getting into, for theres a number of various things that I could be involved in... I also chose the area of computers because from what the website and recruiters tell me, its one of the best fields to go from after I am done with my service. I could get a job right from there or go to college to advance in whichever... plus being in the military is in my blood =) My papa was a marine and my cousin Billy still is a marine... has a cool tattoo of the american flag on his arm. =)

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Date Posted: 03:12:11 03/02/03 Sun
In reply to: Jask Shell 's message, "OOC:About trying to get it more active. We could try gettin git more well known in the ROC. Like putting links to it on MB's all over the place. I found it through Fort Nightshade. Yes I am in the Navy. Now by computr field do you mean Military or civilian field?" on 14:08:57 03/01/03 Sat

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OOC: That's cool. Now what branch are you thinking of? I don't really know much about puters, but I can weld pretty well. Sorry just a little tired, and bored. If you can think of a way to link a banner of the QMP to other sites let me know so I can post it in a couple of places. (NT)Jask12:07:40 03/05/03 Wed

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