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Subject: The thin smile reappears on the hare's features >>>

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Date Posted: 23:27:59 03/11/03 Tue
In reply to: Klik Redwolf 's message, "*thinking even further.. he remembers the treaty signed with southsward... "Casey... can we actually do this..? I mean... Kinnan signed a treaty with them before he left... and even though their home has changed and the page hasnt been updated... I still... think he wouldn't be pleased... but you are the leader here... and it is your call... I could go alone... take a black cloak from kinnan's crate for the job and use it to hide my identity... then return it after the job is done..." He looks expectingly at Casey "Your orders, m'lady?" on 21:20:00 03/11/03 Tue

She tilts her head in approval, and places another smaller pouch on the ground.

"That would balance it for the quarter of your full payment. Well researched indeed; I am honoured to have been given your services. If all mercenaries had been as informed, they would have found me a far more willing customer. I had expected your request, knowing Darkflash and the risk involved in taking him down. Three sunsets is too much to ask; I would give you a week if needed. You might have to go to the task of gaining his trust first."

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**The wolf closes his thin yellow eyes slowly...*Klik Redwolf17:17:50 03/12/03 Wed

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