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Subject: **The wolf stares silently**

Klik Redwolf
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Date Posted: 08:12:15 03/14/03 Fri
In reply to: Kinnan Ulfe 's message, "**Wanders in, looking a bit sheepish**" on 07:39:05 03/14/03 Fri

**The wolf stands up immediately as Kinnan steps forward from the shadows... his eyes a round feral yellow as he seems slightly startled. After a long moment he finally lets his breath escape his lungs softly. Lowering his head and closing his eyes he says softly, "M'Lord Kinnan... I was worried terribly about your absense... you never came back from the abbey... and... and... *the wolf closes his eyes tighter then looks up at him emotionally*.. and I thought I failed you! I thought... I thought when I raced to protect the abbess.. that you might have died! Althoug you are very strong.. much stronger then me, M'lord... I felt.. so... *the wolf stands up straighter and salutes Kinnan as the emotion suddenly leaves his grace and he stands tall and proud* "Forgive my state sire. I never had any doubt that you were just fine. I dont know what got over me. Loyalty and Honor to you Lord Kinnan Ulfe. My blade is yours. *the wolf kneels before Kinnan and un-sheathes his large claymore, slamming it into the ground and gripping the hilt with his paws firmly*

*Then standing up he replaces the blade back withen the leather scabbard and reports* Things have been slow since the job at the abbey. We made due with what we had with the beast-power we had at hand and paw. A job was offered to assassinate one of our allies from Southsward, and was honorably declined. We've begun gathering wood and supplies to begin a brand new fortress of our own, made with our own blood tears and sweat, although we are still gathering the supplies. If only we had more beasts at hand we would be able to proportionalize the work, but we are still short handed. Since the squad commanders seem to be away as well, I took it upon myself to start a training regimen for those who are willing to train.

*He stands straigher from the spine and salutes Kinnan once more* "That is all I have to report sire. Good to have you back M'lord.", he concludes.

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**The massive wolf's eyes moisten upon Klik's response. He reaches out and places a firm paw on Klik's shoulder, a huge smile spreading over his features** Thank you. You have done quite well. As to my long absence... I was struck in the head at some point in the early stages of that battle and quite forgot myself and my band for so long... I only came to my senses a season ago and have been tracking you ever since. **He heaves a sigh and looks around him at the promising beginnings of a fortress around him. He smiles again** Tell me, Klik, who else is still here? (NT)Kinnan Ulfe12:04:31 03/14/03 Fri

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