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Subject: **Appraises the area...**

Casey and Rio
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Date Posted: 01:33:18 03/19/03 Wed
In reply to: Klik Redwolf 's message, "Building Fort Quanshaire" on 21:56:59 03/17/03 Mon

*As she wanders further away from the proposed site for the fortress her mind roles over the necessities. Of course there was the need for more beasts to help with construction, then they'd need paying, more beasts would need recruiting to help effectively defend the fortress, which incedently she'd also begun calling 'keep' in her own head, as much as she wished to reopen the Aquatic side of Quanshaire there was always the other squads that would need leadership until the others returned...*
I hope they're alright, whereever they are. Tatan 'n Astri wouldn't get into trouble... surely.
*Footsteps behind alerts her to the presence of another beast and she turns to see Rio, the small watervole taking her paw comfortingly. Together they continue on until the hear the tell-tale sounds of a nearby river. Her mind already calculating the distance she estimates that its a far hike from the keep to the river, making it easily defendable from attack in that direction and yet close enough that it was useable.*
An' dere's loikely t'be a goo' place fer a well ain't there?
*Rio said, as though reading her mind.*
Yes dear, nice and close to the keep too.
*After cooling off in the water, and rebathing Rio's wounds, the pair head back and start helping with the pegging out.*
Kinnan? We'll need to talk later... nothing big of course.

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**Kinnan smiles at Riasa and touches her shoulder. His bass voice rumbles as he speaks to her** It is good to be home again. Thank you. **He turns and nods in Casey's direction, smiling to see Rio still tagging behind** I'll be there in a bit. **Kinnan turns back to Klik expectantly as the wolf seemed to wish to speak** (NT)Kinnan Ulfe10:32:10 03/19/03 Wed

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