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Subject: **Klik shakes his head slightly and looks to Jask. "My friend... this is Kinnan Ulfe... Commander of the Quanshaire..." *Klik chuckles a bit and looks towards Kinnan* "Kinnan you mustnt forget how long you've been gone... there are very few of us left and those who are left feel everything has changed around here. Forgive his ignorance in the matter, m'lord, you've been gone too long. As for the fortress... I layed out some markers where I suggest the ramparts be built around. Of course, this isn't specific... but if we ever want to take on bigger jobs... we will need somewhere to defend. Also, I am sure that Vermin Queen might return with her armies to repay me for the gashes I left upon her decrepit body... Anyway, I have a mission to Nightshade to complete from the hare Casey and I met earlier... so if you'll excuse me."**

Klik Redwolf
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Date Posted: 22:55:08 03/23/03 Sun
In reply to: Kinnan Ulfe 's message, "**The massive wolf eyes Jask for a moment, then speaks in his rumbling bass** We're not making a mess, we're making a fort. **He steps in an easy circle around Jask, taking in his entire apparel** Let me see, let me see. I believe I hired you, did I not? Do you forget your commander so easily? **Kinnan's eyes are not hard, rather a tiny smile is playing at the corners of his mouth. He is not angry, simply amused**" on 17:58:30 03/23/03 Sun

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*Smiling and shaking his head, Jask bows slightly and re-offers his left paw.*"My apologies. It has been a while since I last saw you."*Looking to Kilk, Jask nods his head.*"Aye I can see that. I might have some suggestions on how to improve it. I'll try and come up with a few drawings for your approval."*As Kilk excueses himself, it takes a Jask a moment to understand what his friend just said.*"Um, Kilk did you say Nightshade?" (NT)Jask Shell of the Flowing Water clan13:57:19 03/24/03 Mon

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