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Subject: OOC: Ive had enough. I got a little something for ya.

Klik Redwolf
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Date Posted: 11:53:28 03/24/03 Mon
In reply to: Mairsil 's message, "OOC> *laughs mirthlessly* You're telling me! I got involved during that Darkmoon incident, since it threatened a number of other clubs, and to say the least, I don't like Nightshade either. My char will probably join yours in the slashing; if the Nightshaders even know how to fight it in proper style." on 00:30:03 03/24/03 Mon

IC: **Klik growls and slams his hind paw into the ground with furios intent. "I cant STAND them bastards. Ignorant fools with no roleplaying skill at all. They want a war? SO BE IT. I am heir to Redwolf and money is no object. **Klik then reaches a paw into his cloak and pulls out a bag of something just short of 8000 gold pieces he took on his way back from Nightshade, from his fathers mansion. He tosses it to the hare and mutters fiercely with his fangs extended, "Use that to hire the armies you require. I cannot stand them any longer and I wish to silence them permenently. Bloody Kids. Use it for nothing else or I will kill you myself".

**Klik then turns to Quanshaire, for he knows they are watching. "GET YOUR TAILS IN GEAR! You there! Bring that wood over to the fortress! AND YOU! START TRAINING OUR MEMBERS! We've been lazy for too long and THAT IS ALL GOING TO END! **Klik slams his claymore into the ground and dares anyone to argue with him**

"So be it then. Get to work. First person that wastes their time and ours will get me pushing them into the riverbed, and if that happens I hope you can swim." **The wolf grabs his blade furiosly and returns to nightshade to probably take on 50 million people against 1 and win**

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