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Subject: OOC: I could always see if Jack and Zukki are still about, it's been a fair while since I've seen them around, but I'm sure they're out there somewhere.

Riasa Lafaryl
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Date Posted: 16:12:05 03/24/03 Mon
In reply to: Klik Redwolf 's message, "**The large brooding wolf calls everyone to him. Anyone who isnt present is grabbed furiosly and brought forth**" on 12:06:11 03/24/03 Mon

>**After being sure everyone is present... he finally
>begins. "Whats wrong with us? Huh? *he looks towards
>Kinnan* WE need more members. YOU will start adding us
>to various lists and gathering spots to grant us more
>members. Jask has been doing it on his own this entire
>time so you are in no place to glare at him. *he looks
>towards Casey* And YOU have been here this entire
>time. YOU should have been taking care of this as
>well. First step to earning the respect of Quanshaire,
>Old Members To Return. You Two are the Only ones with
>access to them. Either they come back this week or
>THEY DONT COME BACK AT ALL. *he looks towards Kinnan
>again* And YOU need to update our community. It hasnt
>been in EVER. We also need a new trade board. We could
>use a few other boards as well. A board for the
>defenses (fortress) and maybe an administration area
>for the leaders. *he then looks towards both of them*
>Kinnan Casey and Favre are the only leaders I've ever
>met since I've been in this patrol. Favre is not with
>us but I am sure he will be in due time. Untill then
>yuo need to take into consideration that new leaders
>need to be elected because the old ones ARE NOT HERE.
>If they cared I believe they would be. I dunno about
>you but I dont intend to waste YOUR time or mine. *he
>then looks towards the members* You are what makes
>this patrol a patrol. Riasa has been here a long time
>as far as I can see. Longer then myself. So she should
>help in contacting old members and getting them
>together to come back with help from Casey. Jask has
>contacts throughout the lands and is argueable one of
>the most well informed currently in the patrol. JASK
>and KINNAN will put aside their differences and work
>on updating the community and increasing our roster
>"I better see some changes this season.", he concludes
>and walks away from them all**

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OOC: **Raises an eyebrow** INSIDE!Casey03:47:46 03/25/03 Tue

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