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Subject: Inside, please.

Kinnan Ulfe
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Date Posted: 07:25:40 03/25/03 Tue
In reply to: Klik Redwolf 's message, "**The large brooding wolf calls everyone to him. Anyone who isnt present is grabbed furiosly and brought forth**" on 12:06:11 03/24/03 Mon

Alright, Klik, don't get so bent out of shape. Let's take this one thing at the time. For starters, I wouldn't be making my *ahem* demands quite so loudly. We're willing to discuss things, but not if you're going to behave like that. It's childish. I know you've all felt abandoned, which is understandable. I will make no excuses except to tell you I believed the place to be completely dead. At the time, I was the only leader here and there wasn't a lot I could do. I would also like to point out that most "dead clubs" the leader(s) has left remain quite dead. They don't come back. Ever. Take Sampetra:EOU for instance. Or the Army of Southsward. or INSU. They're dead and gone, period. The members are still at the messages boards in some cases, but that's it.

Secondly, updating this website isn't our "job" and we're not obligated to do it. We do this because we love it. QMP is our brainchild and we've put hours and hours into it because we choose to do so. I appreciate your loyalty to QMP, but you must understand that we're real people with real lives. We're in school most of the time, in our upper education to be honest, and that's our top priority. Personally, I'm in the middle of college right now and have not had the time to devote to RPG that I had several years ago. I'm trying to balance the time, but there's a lot more to life than the internet.

Thirdly, DO NOT make Casey take the brunt of this. I was the one in charge of updates and I was the one who stopped coming, believing this to be a dead club. If you need to vent your frustrations, you can do it to me. I've reactivated the old email addy, you can reach me there. Casey has been working for several weeks now on moving and improving the club on her own. I have only offered my help. If she accepts, then I will continue to help update, recruit, etc.

As far as the other leaders go, I do not know if they will come back. Evyce is gone forever. Has been for a couple of years, but since she designed the page we don't have the heart to delete her. I can contact the others if anyone would like me to, but I'm inclined to simply compress what's left into one squad. I haven't talked to Casey about this yet, but I will do so soon. We can try to contact old members, but I imagine most won't want to come back. That's up to them, not you. We'll purge the member lists either way and begin again. As for your placements, I need to discuss that with Casey. Remember, this is still OUR club and OUR website. Before we habd anything over, we need time to figure out where we want to go with this. I have a few ideas myself, and would welcome imput, but not demands.

On a side note, I was not aware that Jask and I had any differences at all, IC or OOC. Besides, what I say IC and what I say OOC are completely separate. Is that quite understood?

Also, we have no trading board because no one used it.

I think that about covers everything I wanted to say. Casey, you may add anything I left out.

~Kinnan Ulfe

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