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Subject: Re: Choices, choices....

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Date Posted: 19:53:15 03/25/03 Tue
In reply to: Mairsil 's message, "Choices, choices...." on 18:10:47 03/25/03 Tue

**the wolf cocks his head slightly and speaks, "I was told once... by another assassin whom I asked to kill someone for me... he said he would do it... and then he looked me in the eye and said, 'If I asked you the same thing. maybe not today or tommarrow... but someday... would you kill someone for me?'. Jobs are offered not because one cannot complete the job themselves, but because they are not in a possition to do so. That is Exactly what I was saying. This "Magicblade" has no skill at all. You called in a purely RP Orgonization to do your dirty work when none of them even RP. Its purely an OOC establishment and they've made it quite clear. Let me give you some advice, little rabbit. Next time you want to take out a weak pathetic little being, hire a likewise weak pathetic little group that has something to gain out of the deal other then some odd ammount of small coins. When you have a real job though, you know where to find them. I doubt they enjoy being disrespected with such petty jobs and your lucky I replied in the first place or they might not have replied for a while. They tend not to. If I were you though, I would opporate under more shadier circumstances... or else someday the prices might change... from them to you... ah tis not a threat, tis merely some darn good advice. Heed it wisely, Little Rabbit."

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The hare sighsMairsil22:31:53 03/25/03 Tue

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