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Subject: OOC>>>

Mairsil's player
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Date Posted: 04:40:42 03/26/03 Wed
In reply to: Mairsil 's message, "Choices, choices...." on 18:10:47 03/25/03 Tue

Ok, this is long overdue, but better late than never. Fact is, one of the reasons I came to the QMP was to give them some so-called action; there are, of course, other reasons, but it is better they are not disclosed, or I would be less "shady", and less wise as well. I liked this patrol, even considered joining it once, but the massive amount of writing involved and my already stretched time commitments prevented it. My position in this area is thus as an outsider; I am merely a customer, not a member of this patrol, and therefore I would natuarally leave alone all internal matters of this patrol.

Thus the Magicblade incident. True, I may have sparked off issues with asking Kilk to go after the wolf, but if you will allow your personal grievience to get the better of you, don't expect me to encourage it! This talk of war is a matter of the QMP's internal affairs, not mine at all, as I never said anything about war; my only objective was to get Magicblade. If you feel personally insulted by the Nightshaders (and I do agree that they can be horribly childish), then go ahead and make war, but leave me out of it; I may have grieviences, but I do not feel strongly enough about them to go down fighting. Also, as I am an outsider, how can you simply order me to go out and "gather armies" for you?

I would have let it go at this; there are other mercenaries for hire, and who require jobs (and they don't go around betraying other assasins to their intended targets), but you had to call me a "stupid rabbit", and in capital letters as well. Kilk, I have never used any degreding words on you, nor have I attacked this patrol verbally in any way. But since you've chosen to take it that far, I've decided that I can take it very far as well; like I said, I don't take personal attacks lightly. I'm still willing to let it go if you apologize on that matter, but really, I expected more from this place.

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Re: OOC: Do what you wish. I already said what I wanted to say. however, know that I am quite aware of whom you are. G'day Stupid Rabbit.KliK11:30:45 03/26/03 Wed

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