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Subject: >>>>>><<<<<<<

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Date Posted: 02:12:16 03/27/03 Thu

OOC: Well I have nothing further to say. I try to get the leaders more active with the community instead of just being active with themselves as I explained in the previous post with "Casey" or whatever she wants to be called... I even went as far as to point out the various errors on her part and I am not going to repeat myself. As for the STUPID rabbit... lol... I wasnt offering anything at all... where would my character find 8k anyway? He was banned from his family because of their jealousy which is noted quite well. Fake Money. LOL. My point which was continuously ignored by the stupid rabbit was already made and I am again not going to repeat myself. As for the Rabbit. I will be more then happy to inform all of Fort Nightfall of her presence here in this tiny community and I am sure they will be quite pleased with the news.

You know this could have all been avoided if you two would have just included the rest of the community into your grand scheme. You didn't. "Casey" kept everything to herself, which led me to believe nothing was being done to the community. What was Kinnan to do? He has ideas I am sure and he does his duty but he just got back and he cant do everything at once, which made me believe it was Casey who was doing the brunt of the work. I have more then enough right to state my case which I HAVE stated my case and the only immature bitch here is CASEY aka the STUPID CHILDISH RABBIT. Proof, you ask? Its in your title. Examine a little closer and you will see your one big mistake. Besides, anyone who truely was hiring someone would have went through the website and clicked the "Hire" button to speak with Kinnan directly. Which you did not. You came to the boards. NOT only that but you also stuck around and involved yourself in matters which wasnt your business. Any true recruiter, like the abbess alery for example, would have walked away from the situation a long time ago.

You have failed my little test you stupid "rabbit" and now you can watch both of your characters die. And hey, if I am wrong? You can watch them die anyway for the pure fun of it. And if I dont finish the job, I am sure Nightfall will when they find out whom was hired to take out their member. If not? Hey, no big deal. I can always pull up some friends from other games I play and leave only three people standing... kinnan jask and riasa. ROFL. So come, Call in your "dogs". Tempt me to slaughter your very existence. The bluff is called and you're "both" pressed against the walls.

You have untill Friday to begone from my sight... then you will die, one way or another

Smile for me now, player

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Re: >>>>>><<<<<<<KliK02:16:41 03/27/03 Thu
Kinnan: Your being played by your friend over there. Infact, this entire community is being played by that "little" friend of yours. Your Welcome. But I am still done with this crap. Sorry. I've grown tired of playing fools thinking their mind is the top shit when its actually not and quite far from it. I think I might find another patrol or army to join. Anyway, Peace. (NT)KliK02:20:07 03/27/03 Thu
*Shakes her head* My gosh, I could fall over laughing!!! You actually thought I was CASEY??!! My friend, you have a long way to go yet, and a great deal to learn! And here I thought you might reveal my alias on other sites, and kept wondering how to counter it; I should have known better! Well, go ahead, reveal that Mairsil the hare was out to kill Magicblade; and by the way, its Nightshade, not Nightfall. I highly doubt, though, that you're likely to be able to "slaughter" Mairsil; she's more likely to do the killing, if anything. Anyhow, I have nothing else to do, or prove, so in reply to you: good day. (NT)Mairsil17:43:23 03/27/03 Thu

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