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Subject: OOC

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Date Posted: 10:31:16 03/30/03 Sun

ENOUGH. Klik, I understand your frustration, but you have severly over-reacted. You have said you were going to leave, and have indeed "left" already. The thing to do now is to follow through yourself and get out if you're only going to stir trouble. This is getting beyond absurd.

As far as Abbess Alery goes, did it occur to you that maybe she wanted her Abbey to fall? We were there only to allow a graceful retreat. It's old business that needs to be dropped.

If I were in your position, I would bow out now and save my dignity and name. All you are doing by staying here is showing yourself to be immature by throwing a temper tantrum. The mature thing to do would have been to say you were leaving and to go. Period. You're not even confident in your complaints, or strong enough in character, to say your piece and leave us to work things out.

I have resisted saying anything for quite some time now, but this has gone far enough. Goodbye, Klik, and good luck in the future.

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Go get lost in the woods, coward. (NT)KliK01:56:50 03/31/03 Mon
Behold, Kinnan the Great Idiot and his Faithful Sidekick, Casey the threat of Intellect and her friend, Maisril the weak screwball who cant do anything for herself.KliK02:03:20 03/31/03 Mon
By your name-calling, labelling, delibrate aggrandizement and ruthless accusations, you profane yourself and no one else. You've already destroyed your own patrol, as far as I can see; beware your words that you might at least save some of your dignity. I have nothing else to say. For the final time, farewell; may the Lord bless you. (NT)Mairsil06:17:05 03/31/03 Mon
Klik, before I go calling other people idiots, I'd at least learn grammar-- It's "You're an idiot" not "Your an idiot." Notice the use of a contraction that means "You are." "Your" is a possessive, so your statement actually said something about my having an idiot. Now get out. To everyone else, I'm leaving this up another 24 hours and then closing all boards. (NT)Kinnan07:01:03 03/31/03 Mon
OOC: CLOSING ALL BOARDS? Ah well I suppose it was bound to happen considering the goings on around here. I'll just take Riasa off to some other quiet corner of the woods on the web. Maybe I'll see you around at some point. Quanshaire was nice while it lasted.Riasa Lafaryl17:46:53 03/31/03 Mon
OOC: CLOSING ALL BOARDS? Ah well I suppose it was bound to happen considering the goings on around here. I'll just take Riasa off to some other quiet corner of the woods on the web. Maybe I'll see you around at some point. Quanshaire was nice while it lasted.Riasa Lafaryl17:48:01 03/31/03 Mon

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