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Date Posted: 14:28:09 08/06/01 Mon
Author: Tanwen Vala and Arvel
Subject: *Aur Rhosyn*

Off the shores of Wales there was a small island known as Aur Rhosyn (Welsh for "Rose of Gold"). Over a thousand years ago, this island was inhabited by man. However, a plague swept across the Isle and smote all who dwelled upon it. Only the animals remained. Among these were the equines.

Over the years, the equines developed various elemental capabilities. Ice, water, wind, fire, earth... their mysteries were unraveled.

The outside world became modernized. Old Celtic legends and magic were discarded for more profitable pursuits. But on Aur Rhosyn life remained the same. The elementals died away, but two clans remained: Tan and Awel. Fire and Wind.

The Tan Clan is now led by Tanwen Vala, a capable mare whose name means "Holy Chosen Fire." The Awel Clan is led by a stallion called Arvel. His name means "Wept over."

You are invited to join either clan. Which Element do you tend towards?

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