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Subject: Re: ps

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Date Posted: 05:26:33 07/05/01 Thu
In reply to: cherry 's message, "Re: ps" on 09:02:45 07/04/01 Wed

>people are wrongly convicted, i don't think it makes
>much difference whether they are still "alive" when
>they've spent literally their whole life in prison.

actually, when i expressed my preference to ditch capital punishment just in case we've wrongly convicted someone, i do not mean death is worse than life-imprisonment, rather, staying alive gives the victim (ie the one being wrongly convicted) a chance to clear his/her name by staying as the life-evidence of the truth. it's sad that some wrongly convicted ppl never get their cases rebutted, and though some did, they often have spent years if not decades in prison (the film "in the name of the father" starring Daniel Day Lewis was a good eg) before they have their cases rebutted.
it seems to me that sometimes it's not just about suffering a life time imprisonment, but also the tenacity to persist for the truth and one's innocence that we should abandon the babarious practice of capital punishment, not to mention the cruelty etc that it involves.

on a different point, i think many prison system is problematic as well, after watching a video called "doing time, doing vipassana", which talks about prisoners in india practising meditation in prisons and how it transforms the inmates. how i hope all prisons will try this.......

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